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13482016-02-23How to count the number of consecutive identical lines?Count and statistics2452
13342016-01-05How to remove lines from file B.csv with first column come from file A.csv?Text file parser2715
13012015-04-25How to extract from a file according to content of another file?Advanced search and replace2841
12022014-05-05How to extract all lines in which first 2 columns are identical?Text file parser3086
7512011-03-27How to batch append the columns of file A and B if third columns are identical?Advanced search and replace3226
7502011-03-27How to append the second columns of file A and B if first columns are identical?Text file splitter3247
6712010-12-04How to compare two folders and merge files which have same file names by column?Text merge3567
6302010-10-14How to calculate CFMO 15 and CFMO 21 from csv file of stock data?Text data calculation3215

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